Monday, 2 January 2012

A New Year......a New Chapter in life

The house is officially sold. All subjects removed. Deposit paid.
Our lawyer in Ecuador contacted us between Christmas and New Years. Paperwork is on its way to the Consulate. Three months from now we will be in Cuenca, barring any paperwork delay.
I have started listing things on Craigs list. I look around here at all the stuff that has to be disposed of or stored away and it's hard to keep the panic at bay. Are we crazy? Is this insane ?My emotions are  a roller coaster.....excitement.....panic......anticipation of the unknown.....fear of the unknown....
Doug seems to be very calm about it all. He has no doubt that this is the right thing for us to do.  We started this dream together and now we will see where it goes. I am very lucky to have found my soul mate as my life partner. Let the adventure begin!

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