Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Leap Snow?

What??.....Mother Nature didn't know what to do with an extra day?
It's not really February and not quite hey..... send out this left over snow!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Want it or need it?....That is the question.

We have decided to splurge on shipping one crate via Air cargo.
The crate will include Doug's golf clubs and my sewing machine.
After that, it's all a matter of "need" it or "wan"t it.
Now my sorting and sifting has  a new categorey. "Things I would like to keep."  I can already see that this categorey is going to have to be subdivided, as I have already exceeded my "share" of the crate. This may have created mote problems than we bargained for! Once you make the decision to keep some things, it gets harder to choose what to keep........ easier, perhaps, not to ship at all?